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Melissa Lizarazu
Communicationns and Executive Assistant
Oruro - Bolivia
Spanish & English
"Enjoy everything you have with those around you now, sometimes there is no tomorrow, you can't change the world, but being a good example you leave a mark on others."
I am a very empathetic, friendly, responsible person, I really like learning about my culture and other cultures. My life examples are my Dad and Mom who came from humble families and managed to be successful.
Graduated from the Universidad del Valle La Paz - Bolivia with the Major in Social Communication and Journalism.
Graduated from the Bolivian Swiss Institute with the Major in Early Childhood Education
-Investigation journalism
-TV production
-Radio production
Training in:
-War correspondent for the Bolivian Army.
-Audiovisual production and content creation.
Chile, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, USA and Bolivia
All music, except Metal Rock.
Contact Us
2033 Sugar Grove Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46202